Tuesday 6 October 2015

Zinc Alloy Die Casting Speaks Strength and Durability

Each metal has its own set of advantages as well as disadvantages, which are taken into consideration while deciding on the type of the die casting process for a particular product. The melting point, strength, ease of casting as well as price are the various aspects taken into consideration while creating die casting design. Zinc alloy die casting is one of the best and popularly used methods for casting.

Using zinc alloy in the casting process reaps a lot of benefits. Zinc is best known for the strength it provides. This metal does not break on bending and can also be easily be moulded into a desired shape. Zinc alloys have low melting points, and can be easily cast into the mould created based on the die casting design Plus, once hardened, zinc is extremely strong. Its tough nature makes it resistant to any major impacts. The rigidity of the metal helps in casting with low space and less weight.

Zinc possesses anti-spark quality, which means that the metal does not catch fire easily. So, it can be used in casting products that are used in high heat conditions. Another huge advantage while casting with zinc is that thin walls can be created. This property will allow you to easily produce all types of parts, with thick or thin walls. Zinc has anti-shock properties, so the tools produced using this metal have a longer life.

One of the biggest benefits of zinc alloy die casting is that you can recycle the material. If any cast has some defect, you don’t have to throw it. Simply melt it again and do the casting process again. Moreover, as you are pouring the exact amount of molten metal into the cast, there is no wastage here also. Therefore, unlike other product manufacturing processes, this technique allows you to save metal and reduce wastage at the same time. You can recycle the metal as many times as you want without any loss of properties. This aspect makes this manufacturing technique an earth-friendly process as it creates less waste and has a less hazardous impact on the environment.

In a nutshell, the above mentioned advantages make zinc a very popularly used metal in the casting process. The combined attributes of strength, resistance, low melting point and shock-proof nature make it a preferred choice for many a die casting design.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Die Casting Using Magnesium – The Best Casting Option

Die casting is a process by which molten metal is forced to take the shape of the mould it is poured into by using high pressure. During the process of casting, the hardened die acts like a metal injection mould. Various metals are used in the process of casting. Most castings are made from metals that are non-ferrous in nature as they are durable and strong. The list of die cast metal includes zinc, copper, aluminium, magnesium, lead, tin and so on. Magnesium die casting is the most popular and widely for die casting.

The use of magnesium has gained a lot of popularity because of the characteristic features of the metal. Magnesium is one of the easiest metals to carry out the process of die casting because of its inherent properties. Plus, it has a lower melting point when compared to the other die casting metals. So, the casting process takes lesser time for completion, which will allow manufacturers to increase their daily production count.

Even though this metal is lightweight, it has immense strength. Its lightness makes it the prime reason for use in many production processes. Magnesium is also less expensive when compared to other thermoplastic materials. This metal can also be used to create products with thin walls as it retains its strength even when its thickness is less. It is a corrosion resistant metal, which is not affected by environmental factors like air, water and moisture. Magnesium is also recyclable, which means more savings in the long run. Plus, you don’t have to deal with waste management. It helps save money by reducing the need to procure new metal every time, and on the other hand, it recyclable nature makes it an environmentally friendly raw material. All these factors make magnesium a good choice for die casting.

While creating the metal injection mould for magnesium die casting, you can add in all the minute details in the cast design. Based on the product, you can decide where to set the parting line, about the number and placement of the ribs and other features. If you want you can also add your company logo and manufacturing particulars while creating the cast design. So, the final product will come complete with all the details embedded, and all you have to do is give it a final finishing touch and send it down the delivery line.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Reduce Manufacturing Costs with the Right Die Casting Design

In the die casting process, molten metal is poured into a mould that is designed in the shape of end product. The molten metal is injected at very high pressure into the mould, so it takes up the shape of the mould. This die casting process is efficient and economical as it saves time, effort and also decreases wastage at the same time. Different metals such as zinc, tin, magnesium and aluminium as well as their alloys are used in the die casting process.

There are small steps that you can take to further reduce aluminium die casting process expenses. The entire production process can be made less costly by making subtle changes in the die casting design.

Reduce the Weight
When you reduce the volume of components required for die casting, you can proportionately decrease the weight and cost of die casting. If you pour more metal into the cast, then it will take more time to set and cool, which will eat up into your production time. So, you can go for slight alterations in the die casting design like designing pockets to make thinner cross sections or use ribs to strengthen the cast product. Care should be taken while designing the location of the pockets because the wrong positioning of the pockets can affect the product’s accuracy and strength.

Parting Lines and Ejector Pins
While designing the aluminium die castings, careful consideration should be given to the parting lines and ejector pins. The parting line should preferably be straight or flat, so removal becomes easy. Ejector pins are used to remove the cast products from the mould. If the pins are neatly designed, then they will not leave any marks on the cast when it is removed from the mould. So, you finished product will not have any unnecessary marks and scratches which could then require another finishing touch.

Radii and Fillets
While creating the Die Casting Design, care should be taken to avoid sharp corners. If there are less sharp corners in the Aluminium Die Castings, the finished product will be stronger and have a cleaner finish. Also, there should not be quick ups and downs in the cross section, which will lead to erratic flow of molten metal in the cast, and finally lead to an irregular finish.

There are lots of the other techniques that can be used while designing the cast. These techniques will not only ensure product strength, but also reduce production time and decrease manufacturing costs.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Aluminium Die Castings – An Economical Method for Metal Manufacturing

In the recent decades, there has been unprecedented improvement in various manufacturing fields, thanks to the development of the die casting technique. This method has made it easy for manufacturers to mass produce metal parts without any loss in quality or extra use of labour. The die casting is a pretty simple technique that involves melting compatible metals and pouring the molten metal into a mould. The cast or the mould is designed in the shape of the product for production. After the metal solidifies, the cast is broken and the metal part is removed. This metal manufacturing process has been adapted by various companies for manufacturing electrical equipment, automobile spare parts and other metal alloy-based products.

Any industry will adapt to a process only if it has any advantages for them. Aluminium die casting techniques have made the manufacturing process more efficient and economical. A huge benefit of using the die casting method for metal manufacturing is that one can produce thin-walled products without loss of strength or integrity. The cast can be designed in such a way that tiny additions are made to the casting, so it retains its strength even if the walls are thin. This process allows manufacturers to produce small parts without much hassle.

Aluminium die castings have high strength as well as a good finish, so manufacturers don’t have to spend extra time, effort and money on polishing the final product before sending it to the market. Plus, this technique allows manufacturers to produce very high volumes of products without using much manual labour. From melting the metal alloy to pouring it into the mould, most of the process can be automated.

The casts can be cut into complex shapes, and all the ribs, marks and other details can be engraved on to the inside of the cast. So, when the metal solidifies, all the markings and carvings are automatically embedded on the finished cast. You don’t have to spend extra manual labour in making those final finishing touches to the manufactured process. Plus, the scrap generated by this metal manufacturing can be recycled and used in the next manufacturing cycle. So, by using this method, you can greatly reduce wastage of metal.

As with all technologies, aluminium die casting too comes with certain disadvantages. You will have to invest more in the beginning for the cast and the tool. Plus, the lead time is a little long. Overall, if you consider all the pros and cons, we can safely say that this metal manufacturing process is indeed economical.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

An insight into Precision Aluminium Die Casting

Casting is a manufacturing process by which a liquid material is usually poured into a mould, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape. The liquid metal is then allowed to solidify, so that it takes up the shape of the mould when it comes completely solid. The solidified part is known as a casting, which is ejected or broken out of the mould to complete the process.

Precision die casting has been used since in the ancient period, to make jewellery and other small products. In the recent years, however, this manufacturing technique is used for manufacture of automobile spare parts and electronic items. The best part of using aluminium die casting for manufacturing spare parts is that you can produce even the smallest of parts with the utmost precision. This manufacturing technique allows manufacturers to embed minute details into the cast design, which is reflected in the final product. Like for example, the logo of the company can be embedded in the cast design. When the molten metal solidifies, the logo is marked on the cast. So, the manufacturers don’t have to spend extra time and effort to add the company logo to the finished product. If all the details are meticulously noted when the cast is designed, then the manufacturer will be able save money on the entire production process.

Aluminium alloys are popularly used in most die casting techniques as it is easy to cast and offers durable results. Plus, aluminium is a non ferrous metal. The adoption of Aluminium die casting method comes with a bundle of benefits. Aluminium metal is a very light weight metal to cast, and it offers high dimensional stability for complex shapes and thin walls. It has good mechanical properties such as high thermal and electrical conductivity. Above all, it retains strength at high temperatures and it is also corrosion resistant.

Precision casting techniques have made manufacturing processes much easier than before. They are now widely used in a lot of manufacturing industries for faster and better production of products. Die casting technique is preferred by most manufacturers as it reduces metal wastage, which again adds to their profit levels. Scores of other alloys of zinc, lead, tin and other metals are also used in die casting. This versatile manufacturing technique has brought about a sea change in the production line of a number of components and spare parts. 

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Why Should You Choose the Best Metal Components Manufacturers?

Metal manufacturing is quite a complex process. Various processes are used for manufacturing metal amongst which casting is a commonly used process. Here, molten metal is poured into a mould cavity and the metal solidifies and takes the shape of the cavity. So, you have your metal ready in the desired shape. Depending on the kind of mould used, casting is divided into three types: expendable mould casting, permanent mould casting, and powder metallurgy. The process and technique vary for the different types. Deformation is another process used for manufacturing. Here, a tool is used to apply stress to the metal, which eventually yields to the stress of the metal and gets deformed. In the material removal process, extra material is removed from the work piece. This is done to eventually achieve whatever shape is desired.

After metal manufacturing, you need to put the metal into good use and it needs to be fabricated. It needs a series of separate processes to be done in a chain like manner, one following the other. Cutting process, bending process, and assembling process are the 3 main operations that take place in the fabrication of metals. These processes are performed to build metal structures. These metals are then used for various purposes. In every kind of manufacturing or construction industry, these metals play an important role. In the automobile industry, all kinds of spare parts and tools are made using fabricated metals. The list of uses is just endless. Every place you look, you will find some use or the other for fabricated metals.

Sawing, chiseling, or shearing is generally used for the cutting process. They can be either fully automated or manual. You have automatic cutters and machines for this purpose. After cutting comes the bending process. Press brakes, hammers, or other such tools are put into use for this process. Now you even have software that can program the bending process and increase the efficiency multifold. Assembling involves riveting, welding, adhesives, or other such techniques to put together and join the pieces. This can also be manual or automated. After the assembling process, your fabrication is ready. Metal components manufacturers perform all these steps to manufacture the different components that you use in your day to day lives.

There are a number of metalcomponents manufacturers available, who claim to offer you the best services. Whenever you approach a manufacturer, you must be careful and consider a few things such as the purity of the metal and the efficiency of their work. To ensure good quality products, you need to approach only the best. With Dynacast, all your requirements are thoroughly studied to offer you the best product as per your preferences.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Emerging Trend of Zinc Alloy Die Casting

The dusk of Stone age gave rise to the new beginning of metal age which was differentiated between Bronze age, Iron age and Copper age. Formation of cities, migration of people and commerce had begun during this era. Metal manufacturing work was in its crude stage. Banking on a variety of useful factors and metal properties people used metals extensively even in the past as this made their life much simpler. They used metals for making utensils and weapons due to its property of malleability and ductility. And most of all, it is the strongest material. As days passed this restricted use of metals expanded its dimensions and became the most essential aspect in our everyday life.

In today’s modern world, even the construction works use metal as their base and the machines working on spare parts are designed out of metals. Recognizing the ever growing demand the advancement of technologies took a stand. Metal manufacturing process gained a refined process and the crude metal work has now turned into fine and polished finish as we are now deploying the method of metal die casting. Today, the use of die casting has been in extensive use to meet the ever increasing orders as this process can make numerous metal units with uniform structure and design.

Technique of die casting is a process in which metal spare parts are made by putting liquefied metal into molds or dies. With this technique one can easily produce a complicated design with high accuracy. The die casting method produces parts with fine surface which reduces costs of remaking or refining the same part. Out of a variety of metal casts like aluminium cast alloy or magnesium cast alloy, the zinc alloy die casting is extensively used due to its higher tolerance level. Zinc alloy has a capability of producing very thin wall casting which ultimately produces much lighter component with the employment of lower cost.

Zinc casting is widely used for mass production, not only in the automotive industry but also in electronic equipments. Along with this, it is also used in various decorative materials as it can be easily polished or painted or can be given a matt finish to make it more attractive. As zinc has good conductivity of heat as well as electricity and high tolerance, it is used in electromagnetic screening. Zinc has a property of self lubricating and is a hard alloy which are considered as durable properties, hence zinc alloy die casting is used in making of automobile parts and the gears of any machine. Its non sparking attribute adds its application in the mining industry as well as in refineries. The strongest property of zinc alloy is its non toxic nature that makes it a reusable and recyclable material. 

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Aluminium Die Castings – An Economical Method for Metal Manufacturing

In the recent decades, there has been unprecedented improvement in various manufacturing fields, thanks to the development of the die casting technique. This method has made it easy for manufacturers to mass produce metal parts without any loss in quality or extra use of labour. The die casting is a pretty simple technique that involves melting compatible metals and pouring the molten metal into a mould. The cast or the mould is designed in the shape of the product for production. After the metal solidifies, the cast is broken and the metal part is removed. This metal manufacturing process has been adapted by various companies for manufacturing electrical equipment, automobile spare parts and other metal alloy-based products.

Any industry will adapt to a process only if it has any advantages for them. Aluminium die casting techniques have made the manufacturing process more efficient and economical. A huge benefit of using the die casting method for metal manufacturing is that one can produce thin-walled products without loss of strength or integrity. The cast can be designed in such a way that tiny additions are made to the casting, so it retains its strength even if the walls are thin. This process allows manufacturers to produce small parts without much hassle.

Aluminium die castings have high strength as well as a good finish, so manufacturers don’t have to spend extra time, effort and money on polishing the final product before sending it to the market. Plus, this technique allows manufacturers to produce very high volumes of products without using much manual labour. From melting the metal alloy to pouring it into the mould, most of the process can be automated.

The casts can be cut into complex shapes, and all the ribs, marks and other details can be engraved on to the inside of the cast. So, when the metal solidifies, all the markings and carvings are automatically embedded on the finished cast. You don’t have to spend extra manual labour in making those final finishing touches to the manufactured process. Plus, the scrap generated by this metal manufacturing can be recycled and used in the next manufacturing cycle. So, by using this method, you can greatly reduce wastage of metal.

As with all technologies, aluminium die casting too comes with certain disadvantages. You will have to invest more in the beginning for the cast and the tool. Plus, the lead time is a little long. Overall, if you consider all the pros and cons, we can safely say that this metal manufacturing process is indeed economical.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Needs of Metal Castings

Metal Casting was an old technique that comprises of different reason and applications. Advancement from the past until these present days have been using metal workings as the methodology of making religious, creative and some other useful things. The technique for metal casting incorporates dissolving of metals with the high temperature and by usage of molds to shape metals into another thing.

Casting metal components obliges some particular supplies, learning and imagination. Numerous individuals take part on metal casting being a diversion and in innovative tries. There are two inspirations that emerge why individuals take part in metal cast. The principal reason is need; individuals need to make parts or things for a few endeavors. The second inspiration is utilizing metal giving a role as intends to deliver figures and other masterful exercises. Metal casting is a type of metal works which is getting to be well known as the assets gets to be moderate and individuals are getting up offering data, undertaking and thoughts. It additionally needs concentrated stuff, inventiveness and information.

There are different types of metal process available and the concrete metal process on metal casting has different structures, with sand casting being the most well known. Sand casting participates in making a mold made of sand which can be arranged at home and after that fluid metal is poured to the mold. Later on, the metal is allowed to air dry and the mold is disconnected. This sort of casting is the most conservative, yet different sorts of castings can give complete points of interest and lifted quality results. Whatever be the reason, a small level iron appears to be alluring since it can be made at home, either at workshop or at the terrace. Individuals who deal with metal components can make apparatuses and types of gear made at home, for example, heater and molds. Metal castings are constrained just by the cravings of the people, so for the persons who have the need and time, anything is for all intents and purposes conceivable.

The procedure of liquefying the iron is unsafe, since iron casting make utilization of metals in its liquid structure. The dissolving purpose of iron is over 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It is imperative that anyone who needs to work in metal casting must take all essential safety measures. Some security advices must be placed as a primary concern, for example, the accompanying: Do not look straightforwardly to flares which is high controlled; Explosion is obligated if liquid metals contact a nonporous surface with water; spreading hot metals all around. The utilization of legitimate security riggings like goggles and gloves is required moreover. Metal casting is extremely pleasurable and remunerating aptitudes however they oblige certain measure of adapting before beginning.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Why Should You Choose the Best Metal Components Manufacturers?

Metal manufacturing is quite a complex process. Various processes are used for manufacturing metal amongst which casting is a commonly used process. Here, molten metal is poured into a mould cavity and the metal solidifies and takes the shape of the cavity. So, you have your metal ready in the desired shape. Depending on the kind of mould used, casting is divided into three types: expendable mould casting, permanent mould casting, and powder metallurgy. The process and technique vary for the different types. Deformation is another process used for manufacturing. Here, a tool is used to apply stress to the metal, which eventually yields to the stress of the metal and gets deformed. In the material removal process, extra material is removed from the work piece. This is done to eventually achieve whatever shape is desired.

After metal manufacturing, you need to put the metal into good use and it needs to be fabricated. It needs a series of separate processes to be done in a chain like manner, one following the other. Cutting process, bending process, and assembling process are the 3 main operations that take place in the fabrication of metals. These processes are performed to build metal structures. These metals are then used for various purposes. In every kind of manufacturing or construction industry, these metals play an important role. In the automobile industry, all kinds of spare parts and tools are made using fabricated metals. The list of uses is just endless. Every place you look, you will find some use or the other for fabricated metals.

Sawing, chiseling, or shearing is generally used for the cutting process. They can be either fully automated or manual. You have automatic cutters and machines for this purpose. After cutting comes the bending process. Press brakes, hammers, or other such tools are put into use for this process. Now you even have software that can program the bending process and increase the efficiency multifold. Assembling involves riveting, welding, adhesives, or other such techniques to put together and join the pieces. This can also be manual or automated. After the assembling process, your fabrication is ready. Metal components manufacturers perform all these steps to manufacture the different components that you use in your day to day lives.

There are a number of metal components manufacturers available, who claim to offer you the best services. Whenever you approach a manufacturer, you must be careful and consider a few things such as the purity of the metal and the efficiency of their work. To ensure good quality products, you need to approach only the best. With Dynacast, all your requirements are thoroughly studied to offer you the best product as per your preferences.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Selecting the Suitable Die Casting Method for your Business

Die Casting is a process in which the liquid metal is forced under a high pressure into mold cavities. A desired shape is obtained after these metals are hardened. Die-casting can be done using a cold chamber or a hot chamber.

Die Casting Procedure:

Let us now see the die-casting procedure in detail. Metal injection molding and casting services encompasses a suitable metal say for example aluminium alloy being positioned in a mold, upon which a high pressure is applied. At the end, the metal molds get a desired shape and these are made specifically using the different metals that are available in the market. Dies created using the die-casting method are really durable and reliable which can be used for a longer period of time.

The metal must be turned into a molten state carefully and then precisely shot into the die mold at a very high speed. This is how the metal takes the shape of the mold in a right way. Metal die-casting metal firms utilize all kinds of metals like aluminium alloy, magnesium alloy, zinc alloy and many more to bring out the absolute result. In older days, die casting project were done manually but in recent days, the technology really helped in overcoming big issues and also for finer results.

Improvements in Materials used:

In earlier days, lead or tin are used for die-casting process. But, the melting point of these alloys was low and is damaged very easily. After this, many other high durable and reliable alloys were developed. Zinc alloy, magnesium alloy, aluminum alloy, copper alloy came into use and gave the manufacturers flexibility in their material as well as in choosing the designs.

Selecting the Suitable Die-Casting Method

At present, there are number of firms which offer custom made die-casting services to their customers. One can find these types of companies all over the world and difficulties are very much less with this type of companies. However, one has to make sure that choosing the reputed and experienced company is very much essential in this regard. Choosing the company with some great years of experience is the first thing to look out. Then, choose the company in which you get your work done at the minimal rate and time. Preferring the companies which uses high technologies as well as different materials with different designs will suit best for the industry. Thus, overall go for the company which provides good products without any defects. 

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Precision Casting- the Most Effective Process for Mass Production

Metals have always been used in abundance for the different manufacturing processes. Almost every industry makes use of metals for production. The machines, spare parts, automobiles, electronic goods, and a lot of other goods make use of metals. Metals usually undergo the casting process to shape it into the given requirements and put into use. Precision casting is most commonly used for the purpose. It is actually the first process that was used by man to create intricate artifacts and metal parts. It is commonly used in the aerospace industry for component production, and also plays a major part in technology development.

Among the different kinds of precision casting processes available, die casting is found to be most effective. The advantages it has got over the other processes and the ease of production make it preferred among most industries.

A precision die cast is said to have the following benefits:

      ·         A number of finishing techniques

            The casts created can be of a smooth and textured surface, and can be easily plated and finished. The surface preparation required is very little.

      ·         Weight

             The castings made with the process are lighter than those made with other processes.

      ·         Strength

             The die casts are said to be stronger than the moldings of same dimensions made from plastic injection techniques. They have thinner walls and are much stronger than all other casting processes. These die castings do not have any separate parts that are fastened or welded. So, the strength they have is of the alloy, and not the joining process.

      ·         Assembly is simpler

             Bosses, studs, and other integral fastening elements are provided by the die castings. It is possible to core holes and tap them to drill sizes. External threads can also be cast.

      ·         Accuracy

             Close tolerances can be maintained for all the precision die cast elements. They maintain high rates of accuracy.

      ·         Stable

             Stability is a very important factor of die cast products. They are dimensionally stable and highly durable. They are even known to be heat resistant.

      ·         High production rate

             Complex shapes with really close tolerances can be provided by the die casting method. The tolerance achieved is higher than all other mass production processes. You require very little or no machining at all. Before any additional is required, thousands of identical castings can be produced.

Different kinds of elements and alloys can be used to produce parts using the precision die casting process. Commonly used ones are zinc, aluminum and magnesium. As compared to all other processes, you get highly accurate and good quality metal parts from this process. That is the reason why most industries prefer to use this process over all the other processes available for mass production.